Friday, September 18, 2009

Blogs to Read

There are several educational blogs that I've read, enjoyed, and passed on to others.

Dan Meyer is a math teacher.  He does incredible things, especially with real-world math.  He also challenges notions of traditional schooling.  I like reading his stuff, even though I didn't teach math. If you do teach math, I think you will find it a wealth of ideas.

Donalyn Miller is a middle school language arts teacher.  Her ideas on teaching ELA are really good, especially when it comes to encouraging reluctant readers.

Randy Rodgers is a technology specialist in my district.  He constantly posts web tools and challenges to use them. It's a really good resource for Web 2.0 technology.

Michael Smith is a superintendent who writes about the daily trials of educators.  Nothing particularly earth-shattering, but so funny that I never miss a post. (When I began reading, I read every post back to beginning.) Plus every once in a while he throws something thought-provoking in.

Want to see how students blog?  Great source for demonstrating to teachers how students can create effective blogs.

Will Richardson, blogging and Web 2.0 guru.

David Warlick, another Web 2.0 guy who will challenge your thinking (in a good way).

Plain fun.

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